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Ik ben gewoon bereikbaar voor al uw vragen of problemen, dus neem zeker contact op tijdens deze periode:
- Stuur een email inclusief uw telnr en ik bel doorgaans binnen een paar uur terug (gebruik de Contact pagina)
- Het vaste telefoonnummer wordt doorgeschakeld naar mobiel 00 31 (0)40-2521311
How to reach me (by phone) during holidays
- Or send an email and include your phone number and I will phone back (use the Contact page)
- The fixed phone number will be forwarded to mobile 00-31- 40-2521311
About us
Lutra shop offers you information and support for RadarOpus software and Homeopathic books.
We offer unique packages & highly competitive pricing, with excellent personal training and support.
- Select English if you are a homeopath or students from Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Balkan (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia), or any other country which does not have a local RadarOpus representative
- Select Dutch if you are a homeopath or students from Vlaanderen or the Netherlands please
(Voor studenten en homeopaten uit Vlaanderen en Nederland klik op Dutch)
We offer a free 30 days RadarOpus demo version on request.
There are clear introduction tutorial videos available, and if you like a 20 minutes personal webinar training.
Make sure you view the Tutorial videos and Manuals of RadarOpus or the Synthesis App.
Largest homeopathic library
RadarOpus offers you the most reliable repertory Synthesis, available in several languages. Many other smaller and larger repertories, and the most extensive Homeopathic Library available anywhere. Quickly read more on the page English or Dutch, or ask for a 30 days Demo & if you like a 15 minutes personal webinar training.
Synthesis App - the Companion to RadarOpus
Have the Synthesis App always with you on your Android or Apple smartphone or tablet.
Browse, word search, take symptoms and create a simple analysis. Save up to 30 cases before you send them to your email. Optionally if you have RadarOpus you can continue to work on the case. Quickly read more on the Synthesis App page.
Questions & Support
If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us
Via the contact page you can ask any question about RadarOpus packages, using the software or about paper books. For personal contact we can setup a phone or skype meeting.
Personal training
- A 30 minutes personal live training is included with RadarOpus free of charge.
- If you like you can ask for a 1, 2 or 3 hour personal webinar training with Rene Otter. The fees are very reasonable.
Longer than 3 hours is not advised or needed. 1 to 2 hours is more than enough to get to know all basics of the software. Usually with viewing the introduction videos you will manage easily.
The manual also comes with many additional videos
RadarOpus software
Synthesis repertory in several languages

Synthesis App for iOS and Android

Excellent personal training and support

About Lutra services
We are located in Netherlands and a partner of Zeus-soft, we work each day to make the RadarOpus software even better, with more functions and option than is already today. Please see the Contact page for more details
Some latest news
Special offer 10 volumes collected seminars: Jonathan Shore, Roger Morrison, Bill Gray, Nancy Herrick,....