Logan R.: The Homeopathic Treatment of Eczema


From Robin Logan. The Homeopathic Treatment of EczemaEczema is one of the most commonly encountered conditions in everyday practice and can pose difficult and perplexing problems for the homoeopath. This book sets out a practical basis for its treatment within the context of classical homoeopathy. The author begins by defining the condition by reference to its conventional treatment, since most patients will have taken this route first and are likely to be familiar with the terminology of their diagnosis and the pharmaceutical preparations they have received. He then describes techniques of case-taking that are particularly appropriate to eczema. This is followed by a full discussion of case analysis, including the relevance of particulars in the hierarchy of symptoms and the subject of one-sided cases, or cases with few other symptoms, with a view to helping the reader to increase his or her own understanding of the issues involved. Further chapters cover all aspects of case management, among them suppression, aggravation, potency, repetition of the dose, adjunctive measures and commonsense advice. The overall discussion is supported by twenty-two case histories. The book concludes with a compact materia medica of forty-two remedies which the author has found to be of value in his own experience, studied under the headings of their characteristic physical, mental and general symptoms. There is a general index, a remedy index and a rubric index.