Diamond: Synthesis 2009 + 375 MMs (English)


A magnificent package for the professional homeopath. With Families repertory and families functions. Concepts. Advanced personal additions. Advanced patient file with extended research and printing functions and a large Reference Library. 
Also included is the 17 smaller repertory package (inclusing Boger-Boenninghausen). Also Boenninghausen's Pocketbook repertory with Polar analysis.

  • 12 Symptom clipboards
  • 9 Analysis methods
  • Symptom intensity (1-10)
  • Advanced patient file with patient research
  • With repertory views/selection of sources
  • Personal additions, create new rubrics
  • Extended families and concepts
    (families repertory and limit/highlight analysis)
  • Boenninghausen Pocketbook repertory & Polar analysis
  • 17 Other Repertory Package & Polar analysis
  • Boenninghausen Pocketbook rep
  • 375 MM titles